Wednesday, 22 October 2008

Ooh, look, I made a meme. It's called 'Secret Vice'

Not as exciting as it sounds. Mine's Holby City.

I have respect for soap writers. They are much maligned, like soap actors in fact. Sure there are rubbish ones (yes, I'm so looking at you Hollyoaks). But for the main part they do a hard and dirty job.

But Holby City, oh, a diamond in the rough. Sure some situations are so absurdly contrived, but kind of brilliantly.

So, what's your secret vice? Erm, oh yeah, who to tag? Let's go with Ian, Nik, Alis, David and Fiona.


Dr Ian Hocking said...

Hmm, that's actually quite tricky. Does it have to be a TV show or can it being anything, like hookers called Beryl and crack cocaine behind the bike shed?

Anonymous said...

Hmm... I have plenty but I'm not sure how secret they are... am with Ian on Beryl and the crack cocaine for starters ;)

no said...

Good God. The scoops we get on Veggie Box are fantastic.

My secret vice used to Neighbours but since it switched to 5 I've given up on it. Now I like Robson Green in Wire in the Blood. That's fairly shameful, surely?

Nik Perring said...

Done it. Kinda.


Unknown said...

Ian, that may be a vice, but trust me, it's no secret.

Ms Whiteley, not as shameful as Robson and Jerome's version of Under the Boardwalk.

David Isaak said...

Over on my blog...

Tara Eaton said...

Thankks for a great read