Wednesday, 12 May 2010

You saw it here first, folks

Here are some screenshots of the app-in-progress, including a shot of the cover. Nice, int they?


Tim Stretton said...


Amazing, Neil! Makes me wish I had an iPhone...

Unknown said...

Thanks a lot. But then you'd probably end up back on Twitter, Tim.

Tim Stretton said...

You're right,'s a slippery slope to social networking armageddon...

Ninjauthor said...

That's very nice, Neil.

Does this replace the old New Goodbye I have loaded via Stanza, or is this a new New Goodbye?

Tim, it's too late for me, I'm afraid - dissapeared down the rabbit hole and I can't for the life of me get out (even if I wanted to - but there are free books down here...)

Unknown said...

Matt, this is the new The New Goodbye. No crossover at all with the one you have. It's a novel. What' you've got is a short story collection. I know it's confusing, but no one seemed to like the title I had for the novel--Red Diesel--and The New Goodbye fits it perfectly.

no said...

I've decided I liked the old title. But it does look very good.

Unknown said...

You were the one who told me to change it in the first place! See what you made me do? I used an exclamation mark! Oh dear, there's another one. That's my year's quota.

Frances Garrood said...

I really love that cover, Neil! (that was an exclamation, by the way)

Unknown said...

Thanks, Frances. I'm rather fond of it myself.

Ninjauthor said...

A new novel... Well that's different. Me thinks a purchase is in order. Will this be available via Stanza or the app store?

Unknown said...

The App Store, Matt. There's a lot more going on than just a book: illustrations, photos, video, music... Full version'll set you back £1.99.

Unknown said...

Today I have been testing the app, and let me tell you, you ain't seen nothing yet.

no said...

No, The New Goodbye is better, I think, as a title. Hm. Yeah. New Goodbye. Yeah.