Monday 12 July 2010

From verdant shores

Just a quick one before I have to take the toucan for a walk: my post for The Bookseller's Futurebook blog went up today, talking about my experiences trying to get published and producing The New Goodbye. And I hear word the music video has gone under the editor's knife, so that should be with us soon, in all its technicolour, stop-motion glory.

In other news, I'm surprised to find they've never heard of asparagus here.


no said...

Hey! How come I'm posting up your missives when you've got internet access? Cheeky.

Frances Garrood said...

Neil - what exactly are you doing, and where are you doing it? I've obviously missed something.

Unknown said...

Frances, I am travelling the world looking to solve the world's energy crises using a variety of humble vegetables. It's a strange task I admit, but the money was too good to refuse. And I get to keep the toucan.

Frances Garrood said...

Ok. So you don't want anyone to know. I just thought I'd ask.

no said...

That's right Frances, don't buy into his blather. I told him if anything's going to solve the crisis it'll be a fruit.